Ancient Forests Under Attack!

In Defense of the Forest

The Big Ones
Humboldt County, CA
The last remaining privately owned Oldgrowth Redwood forests are being destroyed by greedy Industrial Timber Corporations.
Rampant clearcutting and steep slope logging have taken an extremely heavy toll on the steep slopes of the North Coast, yet the cutting continues. When will this disregard for our environment and essentially ourselves continue. Without healthy forests, we cannot have a healthy world, and therefore caonnot live on it indefinately. We must Rise Up, and take the forest back, in solidarity with Forest Defenders worldwide and take back what is Most important to us, the Land.
Humboldt Forest Defenders needs more Hardcore Forest Defenders to take up their positions in the Ancient Forest Canopy.
The Pacific Lumber Company, has filed plans to log some 65 acres of Oldgrowth Redwoods, directy adjacent to both U.S. Highway 101, and Humboldt Redwoods State Park. The Timber Harvest Plan (THP) is just South of Bear Creek, on the West side of the freeway, near the small towns of Redcrest and Shively. Many people assume it is part of the Avenue of the Giants, because of the massive size and heigth of the trees! The area is home to endangered epecies, including the Marbled Murrlet, a tiny rare seabird, and the Spotted Owl. Excessive logging has been a major factor in the decline of these species.
Please contact We Save Trees to learn more about Ancient Forest Destruction, and what you can do to stop it!
May the Forest Be With You!